The United Nations officially within the Australian Parliament

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Should the United Nations have influence over our Parliament or law making?

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The United Nations officially within the Australian Parliament

Post by Jill » Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:29 pm

Does giving a foreign power the opportunity to influence our Parliament toward their goals and objectives, not Australia's, constitute treason?
Australian tax payers funding a foreign, unelected, self appointed, corrupt corporation within our supposed Parliament.

Officially within our own Parliament.
Quote from their website:
"The Federal Friends of the United Nations Parliamentary Group is a selection of Federal Australian Parliamentarians with an interest in the work, goals, and values of the United Nations, and its relationship with Australia.

The goal of this group is to raise awareness of the important role the United Nations plays across the globe. This non-partisan network is co-chaired by Ms. Sharon Claydon MP and Mr Andrew Laming MP. This group was established in the mid-2000’s by former UNAA National President Russell Trood whilst he was a sitting Australian Senator in conjunction with Professor John Langmore, then UNAA National President.

This group regularly holds briefings and events at Parliament House in Canberra which UNAA members are often invited to attend. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!"

The website title to the Victorian branch reads "Bring the UN into Victorian communities".

Federal Parliament
South Australia
New South Wales ... uth-wales/
Western Australia ... australia/
ACT ... territory/
Northern Territory ... territory/
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